What is an animated onboarding video?
To make sure that the onboarding process is as memorable as possible, many businesses decide to leverage the power of animation. As most companies follow strict policies, it’s easy for new starters to get lost while reviewing them manually. With animation, you can easily turn daunting written manuals into an engaging video that will allow your new starters to understand the rules and comply with them.
Thanks to colourful illustrations and engaging narratives, animated onboarding videos are proven to be more effective and memorable. Because they use custom made images rather than live footage, animated onboarding videos can be easily tailored to meet different requirements such as the narrative language (which can be beneficial for international corporations).
Onboarding videos are one of the most effective ways of training new employees and customers. From the HR perspective, onboarding videos are an excellent tool to communicate the company’s culture, policies and provide a glimpse of what to expect. When it comes to business, animated videos can help SaaS companies and Customer Success Executives onboard and educate new customers without engaging a sales rep.